Cloud DevOps SME
DevOps is not just about reusing the most popular DevOps tech stack that everyone uses, and it is much more than “developers doing ops” or “ops/sysadmins doing some dev/automation work”. DevOps is a complex set of principles, ideas, and philosophies. It is one thing to know individual DevOps practices, but figuring out how to organise and exploit the entirety of DevOps requires a different level of understanding.
I’m currently the bassist for Neofield, a band based in Osnabrück, Germany. I am also looking for other musicians to form nujazz project with. Click here for a detailed description of this project.
I technically started playing the bass guitar in 2001 but it only became a serious “hobby” in 2009. I have experienced playing in an underground metal band, in a corporate showband, in a jazzy pop band, in a semi-professional party-band, and more. You can learn more about the details of my musical journey here.
I initially wanted to learn how to paint when I started becoming aware of wanting to capture how I see the world. Unfortunately, the high cost of good materials where I grew up hindered this aspiration. I naturally turned to photography when the digital technology became a more viable art form because it eliminated the hassle and cost of film development. My inspirations are Daidō Moriyama, William Klein, and Sebastião Salgado.
I keep a small portfolio in Flickr and I also occassionally upload photos in my Instagram (@ricdotdev).