about me

Cloud DevOps SME

DevOps is not just about reusing the most popular DevOps tech stack that everyone uses, and it is much more than “developers doing ops” or “ops/sysadmins doing some dev/automation work”. DevOps is a complex set of principles, ideas, and philosophies. It is one thing to know individual DevOps practices, but figuring out how to organise and exploit the entirety of DevOps requires a different level of understanding.


I’m currently the bassist for Neofield, a band based in Osnabrück, Germany. I am also looking for other musicians to form nujazz project with. Click here for a detailed description of this project.

I technically started playing the bass guitar in 2001 but it only became a serious “hobby” in 2009. I have experienced playing in an underground metal band, in a corporate showband, in a jazzy pop band, in a semi-professional party-band, and more. You can learn more about the details of my musical journey here.


I initially wanted to learn how to paint when I started becoming aware of wanting to capture how I see the world. Unfortunately, the high cost of good materials where I grew up hindered this aspiration. I naturally turned to photography when the digital technology became a more viable art form because it eliminated the hassle and cost of film development. My inspirations are Daidō Moriyama, William Klein, and Sebastião Salgado.

I keep a small portfolio in Flickr and I also occassionally upload photos in my Instagram (@ricdotdev).